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April 28, 2022

ACCI Research Paper is Published in American Jails Magazine

ACCI Research Paper is Published in American Jails Magazine

The American Jail Association is the largest member association for practitioners and administrations in America. They represent the collective voice to better help address the needs of jails across the country. ACCI’s recent research paper entitled: The Efficacy of Self-Directed CBT Program was published in the American Jail Magazine. You can find the article on page 40 of the May / June Issue.

The article provides strong evidence for an alternative method for delivering inmate programming. Several other landmark studies are cited and the alternative method described as an MCBT (Manualized Cognitive Behavior Therapy) is supported by ACCI’s published outcomes and research. The intent of the article is not to suggest a replacement of the traditional group method for delivering inmate programming but to give consideration to alternative methods that can reach the entire inmate population, including those inmates in segregated housing units.

Learn more about the program options that ACCI provides to correctional facilities.